We meet students where they are.
Cohort courses are offered on a 12-week or 16-week schedule with start and end dates that closely follow traditional school calendars (the exception is a six-week driver education course that is offered throughout the year). During a cohort course, students move through the course material with other students. Academy courses are delivered 100% asynchronously, which means students can take their courses at any time of the day and from anywhere they have internet access. Cohort courses provide ample opportunity for students to interact with their teacher and with other students.
Credit recovery courses are designed using a hybrid approach that combines a traditional IDLA custom session with a district-led, targeted intervention program. IDLA partners with school districts to provide live, real-time sessions with instruction that can be completed on the student’s own time for a high level of learning. IDLA provides the course content, a web-based learning management system to deliver content and instruction, teachers, and internal support staff to districts. Districts provide local personnel to support students with targeted intervention support (such as placement guidance, support, and monitoring), social-emotional support, physical and/or virtual technical access to courses, and transcription of credits.
Launchpad is an opportunity for students in grades K-5 to increase their English language arts, or ELA, skills. It provides both intervention opportunities for students who need targeted support and extension opportunities for students who need more challenging instruction; Launchpad also supports schools and districts that are trying to fill gaps for students. Launchpad is a customizable course offering and districts can request between six and 16 weeks of instruction. IDLA provides five hours/week of live skills-based instruction with a certified Idaho teacher. During real-time meetings, IDLA Launchpad teachers provide large-group, small-group, and rotation instruction, giving students multiple learning opportunities based on their individual needs as evidenced by Istation data (Istation is an assessment and progress monitoring tool used by the state). Student progress is monitored biweekly and instructional groups are adjusted as necessary based on the information gathered during monitoring.
We work alongside districts and schools to help students feel successful and make great gains in their learning.
Flex courses are delivered on a flexible schedule driven by the student’s needs. During these self-paced courses, students work at their own speed and on their own schedule. With flex courses, students can exempt themselves from specific content by taking and passing a unit pre-test.
Students who test out of content still need to complete the full unit post-test and any other assessment activities for the unit. Flex courses are fully online and offer additional flexibility in scheduling and pacing as compared to cohort courses.
Hybrid courses offer real-time lectures and lessons to students via video conference. They are a great opportunity for additional instruction, assessment, and practice within IDLA’s traditional self-paced courses. A blend of online and video conferencing provides authentic learning experiences in areas such as world languages, math, speech, and science. Hybrid courses encourage an interactive learning environment reinforced with rich online activities. Please see your site coordinator for course options.
Course Schedule
IDLA offers a rich assortment of courses in core curriculum, electives, Career Technical Education (CTE), Dual Credit, and Advanced Placement.
Advanced Opportunities
IDLA works with students to prepare them for a smooth transition toward their chosen path after high school.
Credit Recovery Courses
IDLA’s credit recovery courses are designed using a hybrid approach that combines a traditional IDLA custom session with a district-led intervention program.
Driver Education
IDLA offers this online Driver’s Education course which fulfills the requirement of 30 hours of classroom time required by the state.
Elementary Launchpad
IDLA’s Elementary Launchpad courses empower students in grades K-5, regardless of their location, to reach higher levels of achievement and develop a passion for learning.